The NEURON simulations described here describe the effect of the neuronal glutamate transporte EAAC1 in regulating synaptic integration and the firing output of D1-MSNs. This is addressed using either a simplified ball-and-stick morphology (see `Ball and Stick` folder) or a realistic morphology for D1-MSNs in the dorsolateral striatum of EAAC1+/+ and EAAC1-/- mice, obtained from biocytin filles (see `Realistic Morphology` folder). Each folder contains NEURON codes used to establish the synaptic weight of AMPA, NMDA and GABA inputs. The mod files, included in a separate folder (`mod_files`), are adapted, in part, from Mattioni and LeNovère (2013). These models were created by Maurice Petroccione, graduate student in Annalisa Scimemi's lab at SUNY Albany. For additional information, please contact: Maurice Petroccione (developer) - - Annalisa Scimemi (supervisor) - - ``` Department of Biology 1400 Washington Avenue (BIO329) Albany, NY 12222-0100 (USA) ```